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At Neighbours Tree, our team understands that each tree is unique, and therefore making sure a professional can assess your trees and plants and provide you the best advice is crucial. Pruning is not only essential to the tree's appearance and long term health, but also improves structure, reducing the chances of personal or property damage caused by falling limbs or broken branches.

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'Maintenance Pruning'


1) Crown cleaning - removal of dead, damaged, dying & diseased branches 1" or greater throughout canopy. Thin water-sprouts & remove suckers. 

2) Clearance pruning - removal or reduction of primary or secondary branches for clearance. 

Minimum clearances - The clearance standards listed below will be met except when (1) Otherwise specified by the client or (2) Tree health or architecture of a particular specimen make it impractical or dangerous to the tree. 

> 3 ft horizontal clearance from buildings for all deciduous; 1 foot for conifers & columnar deciduous varieties. 

> 8 ft vertical clearance for branches over roofs; 10 ft over balconies & decks. 

> 8 ft over sidewalks; 10 ft over minor roads; 14 ft over major roads. 

> 1 ft vertical & horizontal clearance from all fences and other infrastructure. 

> Zero overhang for neighbouring properties for the first 10 ft . 

> Clearance from other plants as required to balance the health, function & appearance of the plants. 

> 6" clearance from the ground for all conifers or deciduous trees with a weeping form. 

3) Hazard Reduction - Structural pruning to alleviate or remove weak branches, co-dominant stems, or other defects . Pruning to improve structure. 

4) Shaping - Reduction or removal of secondary branches to maintain existing shape & appearance. 


Target branch diameter for live branches is 0.75-5 inches. 

Reduction or removal cuts will be used for all branches over 1" diameter. Heading cuts may be used for small diameter branches, or when removal or reduction options are not available for large diameter branches. 

No more than 25% of live foliage should be removed in one pruning session. Over-mature trees, sick trees, or trees facing other challenges should receive a smaller pruning dose. 

Branch disposal and clean-up included. 



All pruning techniques will adhere to ANSI 300 Pruning Standards & ISA Best Management Practices



Objectives: Maintain health, function, structure and appearance of established trees. Identify, remove & prevent hazards. Maintain clearances. 



MAINTENANCE PRUNING is the most proactive way of keeping your trees in the best overall health. Regular maintenance pruning timelines often vary between species, but the overall benefits to keeping to your Arborist recommended schedule are second to none! Regular maintenance pruning doesn't only keep your trees looking tamed and beautiful, but it also allows for your Arborist to PROACTIVELY identify health, functional or structural issues. This limits chances of failure or premature death, keeping you, your property AND your tree safe. Additionally, regular maintenance pruning is much more cost efficient than the potential alternatives.

'Clearance Pruning'



Clearance Pruning is, well.. self explanatory. It involves the pruning of a tree to provide specified clearances from a multitude of things; including buildings, roadways, road signs, walkways and powerlines.


Many clearance requirements are set out by your local municipality, and are typically met with a notice letter should your trees be beyond these requirements. At Neighbours Tree Company, we are equipped and experienced with all forms of clearances and work closely with you, municipalities, and even power companies to ensure all parties are covered and your trees are in line!


Community Standards



6(2g) Para: a land owner or occupant

 example of nuisance.

 - (g)  any tree, shrub, other type of vegetation or any structure:

    (i)  that interferes or could interfere with any public work or utility;

    (ii)  that obstructs any sidewalk adjacent to the land; or

    (iii)  that impairs the visibility required for safe traffic flow at any intersection adjacent to the land

'Restoration Pruning'



Objectives: Restore sound structure and form to previously topped or storm damaged trees. 


Restoration Pruning can often be required due a natural event at no fault of your own; such as a storm or vandalism. It is also, however, often provided in response to poor (or non-existent) previous prunes. One f these outcomes is due to Topping. TOPPING of a tree is the process of removing a portion of the top of a crown, "leaving stubs or lateral branches that are too small to assume the role of a terminal leader." In *most* cases, topping should never be performed on a tree, and is against ISA Best Pruning Practices. Its intention is often to limit the height of a tree, but its repercussions are often much more challenging and also result in a very unique and visually unappealing form. In these instances, an ISA Certified Arborist will prune to attempt to achieve sound structure and form. 


Procedure: 1) Remove dead, damaged or diseased branches. 2) Thin clusters of shoots/stems emerging from damaged area. 3) Trim torn/broken bark or trunk wood. 4) Reduce or remove branches for current clearance requirements. 


This work will be completed under the supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist. All pruning techniques will meet ANSI 300 Pruning Standards and ISA Best Management Practices. A maximum of 25% of live growth will be removed from the tree in one seaseon. 


Branch disposal & clean-up included.

'Crown Cleaning'



Objectives: Maintain tree health and appearance. 


Crown Cleaning is the process of clearing the canopy of dead or diseased branches, volunteers or sprouts, and of removing any conflicting branches that can affect that form or integrity of the tree. 


Crown Cleaning is a subsection of Maintenance Pruning, and typically involves trees with well established form. The process of Crown Cleaning is often likened with that of brushing out hair; a pleasant refresh allowing some much needed circulation!


Procedure: Remove dead, damaged, conflicting & diseased, branches throughout the tree canopy. Remove suckers and volunteer stems. Thin watersprouts.



Min-Max branch diameter: Remove all dead branches 1" in diameter or greater throughout the canopy. 


Branch disposal & clean-up included.

'Architectural Pruning'



Objectives: Control size and maintain a formal appearance. 


Architectural Pruning is one of the more aesthetically-driven services an Arborist may perform; its main goal typically that of attempting to create a more geometrical form over that of its natural form.


Converting the canopy of a tree with a natural form into a formal geometric shape takes several years depending on the species, and should begin when the trees are young. Trees which undergo this type of pruning are more prone to disease and insect infestation, and require frequent pruning to maintain their appearance. It is usually impossible to revert them back to a natural form. 


Trees will be sheared with hedge trimmers into the desired geometric form. Major size reductions are not recommended if  this type of pruning has been established. Over-pruning may result in the death of the tree or the appearance of brown/dead patches. Changes to the shape must be made gradually over several years. 


This pruning method is not recommended as a means of risk reduction for mature trees. If controlling size is the primary objective, it may be better to remove the tree and replace it with a smaller species or a large shrub instead. It is costly to maintain, and should be chosen for aesthetic reasons.

Additional Pruning

Eucalyptus Tree

While we have listed the major pruning services, there are a multitude of terms and specificities 'available' to you. The most important factor in deciding who and what, is to choose an ISA Certified Arborist to perform your services. At Neighbours Tree Company, we have an array of specialty crew members that can work with you to obtain your aesthetic ideals whilst advocating for your trees health. 


Additional Pruning services we provide include Young Tree Training (precursor to Maintenance Pruning), Fine Tree Trimming, and more!

Contact Us

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Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9AM-5PM
Saturday: 9AM-2PM
Sunday: By Appointment


Sherwood Park  -  Leduc  -  Fort Saskatchewan  -  Edmonton  -  Spruce Grove  -  St. Albert 

Thank you for visiting and we hope to hear from you soon!

©2021 Neighbours Tree Company Ltd. Tree Service Experts. All Rights Reserved.

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